Monday, 27 February 2012

As Easy As ABC!

So, I’ve been tagged in another MeMe so here is another chance to find out about the girl (yes in my head I’m still a girl!) behind the blog!

So, this one has been awarded to me by the lovely Tricky Customer (an amazing woman & fabulous Mummy) and is called the ABC Award.

The idea is for me to put a word to describe myself next to each letter of the alphabet! Should be interesting! Here goes!

A ngels

B ouncy

C at person

D oughnut (childhood nickname)

E nthusiastic

F riendly

G irly

H onest

I ndependent

J ogger

K ind

L ove to laugh

M oany

N aughty

O pen-minded

P ersonable

Q uackers

R eiki

S piritual

T rainer

U nderstanding

V ivacious (when you get to know me)

W ino (mines a red…but not when pregnant) – maybe I should have put that under L for Lush

X enial

Y oung at heart

Z onked

Wow, that was quite challenging! Now to pass the challenge to some other lovely bloggers:



The Life of Kelly, Mum, Employee, Lover

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