Monday 27 February 2012

As Easy As ABC!

So, I’ve been tagged in another MeMe so here is another chance to find out about the girl (yes in my head I’m still a girl!) behind the blog!

So, this one has been awarded to me by the lovely Tricky Customer (an amazing woman & fabulous Mummy) and is called the ABC Award.

The idea is for me to put a word to describe myself next to each letter of the alphabet! Should be interesting! Here goes!

A ngels

B ouncy

C at person

D oughnut (childhood nickname)

E nthusiastic

F riendly

G irly

H onest

I ndependent

J ogger

K ind

L ove to laugh

M oany

N aughty

O pen-minded

P ersonable

Q uackers

R eiki

S piritual

T rainer

U nderstanding

V ivacious (when you get to know me)

W ino (mines a red…but not when pregnant) – maybe I should have put that under L for Lush

X enial

Y oung at heart

Z onked

Wow, that was quite challenging! Now to pass the challenge to some other lovely bloggers:



The Life of Kelly, Mum, Employee, Lover

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