Was my birthday on 21st June. I didn't do much as I share it with a friend who had his 30th so left him to take the limelight. Also, not much I can really do myself. I just had a lunch with Dan, Lou and Ben (and Stuart, of course) and a few others joined us for a drink after lunch before going out to Dinner for my friend's 30th. I had two celebratory Pimms over the course of the day - so really partying :o)
Stuart got me a lovely pressie - one of those model makeover packs. I've pondered over whether I should get it done while pregnant or wait until after the pregnancy but have decided to do it before. I have to do it before 1 December so there is a risk that I don't get my figure back by then (in fact, highly probable!) and it might be good to have a couple of nice pregnancy ones to look back at later.
Baby is break-dancing like anything. It feels like it is constantly moving to me but I guess does have a few snoozey moments. It has definitely moved up a bit now so right at this moment it feels like it is booting me in the ribs - very uncomfortable!!! It gets fascinating to watch my belly though - it really reminds me of alien! Bumps and ripples all over the place.
I've finally bought new bras - yipppeeeee! Mainly because my back size has changed more than my cup size but they are growing a little. I have actually given in and got non-wire ones too which I didn't think I'd ever do but M&S do a couple of good t-shirt ones that are actually quite comfy and look like a bit like underwire ones. Sorry, not a very interesting topic of conversation but new bras is a milestone for me!
I'm just about to enter the 3rd trimester now and am already starting to feel the woes of the 3rd trimester. My poor ankles really can't handle standing for long periods and any physical work really takes it out of me. I have finally started painting our bedroom after the plastering was done last week. I didn't realise how many muscles it uses to paint a ceiling and to squat down to do the edges. Has wiped me out today and, yes, my ankles are very achey. Am looking forward to a bath later though dreading the effort it takes me to get in and out. Has anyone got a winch? or a crane perhaps?
Not meaning this to sound rude as I know people are only showing an interest and there isn't much else to talk to a pregnant woman about (can hardly discuss the latest drunken antics from the weekend!!!) but I have thought about getting a t'shirt made that says over my bump
I'm due 26 September
I'm a surprise
I haven't made mummy eat
any weird concoctions
The sickness has long gone
That in answer to the four most commonly asked questions.
- When are you due?
- Do you know what you are having?
- Have you had any weird cravings?
- Have you had any sickness/do you still feel sick?
OK to the occasional person when you see them but when you go to a gathering and everyone decides to ask you independently...sounds really bad but makes me want to hide my bump (impossible as that may be) and not want to talk about it. It also makes me not want to ask others about their pregnancy in case they are suffering from the same thing. May just be me though as I was the same with my wedding. I got bored of talking about it and was desperate to talk about other stuff. It was so boring to me.
Told you I was feeling in a moany mood! To anyone reading this, do feel free to ask me about my pregnancy but perhaps not so much if you see me at a big gathering - or be one of the first!!! ;o) or just ask me a different question...