Wednesday 9 April 2008

15 weeks, 6 days

Couple of picks of bump!

I went to the midwife today so just thought I would write a quick update.

I did get to hear the heartbeat. It was really strong and healthy sounding. Was surprised at how clear it was - I expected it to sound faint or, well different. Was a shame Stuart wasn't there to hear it.

Blood pressure was quite high but I was kinda expecting that - I've had to have tests on my blood pressure and heart before so I'm sure it is fine. I do have to go back in a couple of weeks though to check it is ok.

No real solution to headaches other than my plan to go and get a massage, reflexology or some other 'alternative' therapy solution. Doesn't stop the man with a hammer crashing down the walls in my head at the moment though.

1 comment:

  1. Gutted I couldn't be there :o(

    Still, good to see the flump has a good heart :o)


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