Tuesday 10 July 2012

Place your bets please!

I am now opening the books on your predictions for baby! We are pretty sure it's a girl (after 2 scans) and the EDD is 15 August. So the predictions are for:

  • Date of arrival
  • Time of arrival
  • Weight
As of today I am 34 weeks, 6 days.


A bit of history for those that don't know:

This is my second child. My son, Callum (nearly 4) was born at 36+4 after an all day hike around London, 2 spicy meals and a short jog to the Chinese. My waters broke late that night & because my bp was high & my contractions weren't progressing enough, they decided to induce me the next day. I was induced about 12 noon & Callum was born about 9:48pm weighing 5lb15oz. Full details of birth number 1 can be found here.

So far bp is normal - last reading was 130/78 and there are no obvious signs that baby will come early this time.

Please ask should you have any questions that may assist you with your prediction.

My own prediction is:

  • DOA: 12 August
  • T: 9:14am
  • W: 7lb2oz
Please add your predictions to the comments section.

Bets are now........OPEN!!!


  1. DOA 20th August 7lb 12oz 3am

  2. Prediction from Aimee

    24 August

  3. DOA 13th
    Time 14.20
    Weight 6lbs10oz

  4. 26th August
    7lbs 4oz

  5. 15th August (excellent day for a birthday!)
    7lb 7oz

  6. I am going with 17th of August, 7lb11oz, 2.40am

  7. Crystal prediction is 18th August


Thank you for reading. Comments are welcomed.