But I think they are right. Sometimes, he catches me off guard and says a really clear word and, because it is out of the blue or a new word (or both) you think you must have imagined it.
He did a lovely little song in the car today too. I couldn't understand any of the words but it was in tune perfectly to ging gang gooley gooley gooley ging gang goo, ging gang goo (is that how the song goes - remember my friend singing it at Brownies but wasn't a Brownie myself). When I acknowledged it he went stum!
New not so clear words are:
Truck - dwuck
All gone - gall go
Thank you - dan du
Grrr, and another one that he said tonight that I can't for the life of me remember. Rubbish!
A funny thing tonight - he was watching In the Night Garden and the Tombliboos (for anyone who knows what the hell I am talking about) kept nodding their heads and he was copying. Nothing new there. Then he saw Lotté washing herself which looked like she was nodding her heard, so he started nodding again but noticed she was getting her chin right down to what was effectively her chest to wash that part of her fur and he was trying to copy her. Very cute!
Another thing us alcoholic parents have taught him is how to say 'cheers' and clink his cup - think Stuart can take blame I mean credit for that :o) but probably shouldn't be doing it with beer in his cup.....only joking, its with his milk cup....with milk in it!!!
He understands loads now. He had tipped his puzzle pieces of one jigsaw out on the floor on one side of the sofa and then bought the empty tray round to me. It is one of those ones with shapes cut out of it. I would say to him "go and get the truck" and off he would go, pick up that piece and bring it back, fitting it in the appropriate whole. He was very good at it so definitely understands the words. He is starting to notice the picture on a puzzle now, if it is a full picture puzzle and in books is pointing at things for me to say what they are. I think we'll get there.
All this said, he is still very private with his talking and has to feel completely comfortable in his environment before he talks. He chatters all the time at home (whether it is actual words or gibberish) but hardly says a thing when anyone other than Stuart or I are around. I feel like people must think I am making it up when I tell them what he can say as they never hear proof of it!
Oh yes, nearly forgot. Callum does lovely closed mouth kisses now and will give you a kiss without you even asking. He'll come past you, grab your face with both hands and give you a little closed mouth kiss on the mouth - awwwwww! I love those moments :o)
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