Wednesday, 5 November 2008

9 weeks, 1 day old

13lb to loose

Decided to measure my fight to return to my pre-preggers body in weight rather than inches. 

Finding life exhausting this week! Callum has happy awake time in the morning but then seems to spend much of the rest of the day fighting sleep and feeds. He occasionally smiles but then will cry for apparently no reason seconds later. I spend my time running around at full speed cleaning and sterilising bottles and starting chores then sat on the couch attempting to feed Callum, trying to comfort him or with him sleeping on me, getting depressed and frustrated that I can't get anything done/finished and everywhere looks a mess all the time. I want to get on the Wii Fit too but that is just a distant dream (if that is the right word) at the moment!

"How do I get the time to write this?" I hear you ask. I am typing it with my left hand while Callum squirms on my lap while I jig! 

"Why don't I put him down while he is sleeping?" I do when able but he often just wakes straight up which starts the crying cycle off again. 

He has just tried to chew and suck my finger off despite not being hungry!!!!

Anyway, to top it all off, I started my period last night so straight back to being a baby making machine! Two days after my final breastfeed. (BF'ing prolongs the return of your menstrual cycle apparently).

Roll on Friday when I get to go out on a girly night! 

Moan over!

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