Tuesday, 25 March 2008

13 Weeks, 5 days

Stomach size: 93cm

Just a quick entry this time. I've started to balloon! Probably helped by the food and chocolate eaten over Easter but I'm sure there is some baby weight in there somewhere too!!! Anyway, I've taken the lead from another pregnant friend and have decided to measure my stomach (as you can see from above) and see how big I'm growing between entries. Shame I didn't measure myself at the beginning but I am sure now is a good enough place to start.

Which reminds me, talking about measuring...when I was window shopping for maternity clothes last week (which I went back and bought at the weekend) I also got my boobs measured to see if there was any change but, apparently, they haven't changed at all -not even one little size!!! How annoying! And I was counting on bigger boobs too. Well I've still got another 6 months to go so there may still be time for them to start growing. Come boobs...you can do it!

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