Monday, 2 June 2008

23 weeks, 4 days

Well I'm back from my holiday and still not much more to report.

I was really worried that everyone would make jokes about my size while away and make me really self-conscious but, thankfully, they didn't.

Baby was quieter while away, not so much moving around. It still moved but just not for so long, it would just be a nudge here and there. It is back to its constant wiggly self now that I am home.

Lots of predictions took place as to what people think I will have. My cousin was very specific - A boy, born on 26 September (my due date) at 9.15 (unsure of am or pm but would lean towards pm), would weigh 7lb 14 and we would call him Joshua. I've always been put off Joshua because so many of my friends wanted it. However, Stuart had said he had been thinking of it recently. I think, if we did have it, it would just be Josh as I prefer that to Joshua. Personally, I still prefer Toby. I guess we will see...

Have been put off boys even more though while on holiday. I keep praying for a girl or that if it is a boy it will be gay!

Scary that people keep saying to me how quick the end of September will come along - eek! Not in any hurry yet!!!!

I'm starting to suffer more with acid again. I don't get any pain or heart burn but it just sits at the top of my stomach and keeps rising up. Mints seem to help it but I never seem to have any.

I got my MATB1 form just before I went away and have sent it to work (I forgot to take it in with me so had to send it from Spain) so have got the ball rolling with my Mat Leave and being able to apply for Maternity Allowance.

I've got my next mid-wife appointment on Thursday.

Everything is just plodding along nicely.

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