Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Snow Business

We have snow! Last day of November and first of December and there is snow!!! I bet there will be a heat wave next week!!!!

I was a little more prepared this year and bought Callum a sledge at the weekend. Callum still isn't quite sure about the snow, he needs to build up a bit more confidence. I reckon, if he went out with Stuart, he would grow to love it more because Stuart is good at instilling confidence in Callum when things could go either way.

I have had him dressed up a bit like Maggie from The Simpsons today. Layers, layers, layers. Today he wore

All in one outside suit thing
2 x pairs of socks

Might be a bit overkill but I remembered hating the cold and snow when I was young until my cousins handed me down a snow suit.

I took Callum out in the sledge when I picked him up from nursery today. We had to pick them up early for safety reasons so picked him up about 3.15-3.30pm. He had already got the idea of what the sledge was for when we bought it as he jumped straight in it and demanded to be dragged around the kitchen, so when I got it out this time, he was happy to get in it. I pulled him up and down the road a couple of times and around the block. He was loving it. Didn't go too far though as it was getting late and near his tea time. Am looking forward to taking him out with it again when I get the opportunity. Much better than my tea-tray & tie combo last year which he hated - he he. Now I just need to find a safe hill to slide down - and I might just take Callum with me too :o)

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